implementation in an on-farm biocircular perspective from the growth through to an on-farm delivery and off-farm use of raw sugers and protein juice
Adapted to beet, sugar cane or sweet sorghum at minimum transport and energy use
Building upon the usual harvest procedures, the biomass is mashed and pumped into a lagoon or circular container where the additive is added and process controlled.
In a livestock perspective per se
On dairy farms, pig operations and biogas plants
Leading to a pumpable home-grown next-to-full feed which is, rich in sugers and proteins, at zero fermentation losses, of improved digestibility and liquidity.
In a feed and bioeconomy perspective
Required is a daily on-Farm separation of the biomass mash into a solids (waste) fraction for Milk, Meat or Biogas and an upgraded sugar and protein juice for temporarily storage in a cylindrical tank until the delivery hereof to the end-user.
Total seperation of the biomass into feed (waste) and juice
On-farm scenarios
Screw press seperation plant
Screw press
Waste (feed)
Stationary on-farm beet wash and shoop equiptment
Pumbable beet mash